Wednesday, July 8, 2009

just a few things

i haven't been crafting as much as i would like to lately. i need to work on that. but i have made a few things lately. i finally learned how to crochet a granny square! i don't know why it was so hard for me, but every time i tried before they ended up looking like circles instead of squares.

i'm thinking of making a few more so i can attach them to make a scarf.

i started working on this dress for mika, but i got kinda bored with it.

i've used this same image before on another dress for her, but she out grew it. i really need to get some ink for my printer so i can get some new designs. i'm not sure if i'm gonna finish it. this one is more detailed that the other one was. i'm about halfway done with it, so i guess i might as well. i'm just not sure how to go about filling the face in. should i embroider the eyes and mouth and then fill the spaces in? what do you guys think?

1 comment:

amy is the party said...

Oh wow, amazing embroidery!!! That looks like a lot of work, but it really looks beautiful!