Wednesday, February 18, 2009

yay for cute potholders!

i'd been working on this for a few days off and on and im glad to have it done. :)
i'm really happy with the way it turned out. i've been needing some new potholders for a while, so i decided to make one. i didn't really want buy anything new so i just used some stuff i had laying around already. the striped fabric came from an old pillow case i got from a thrift store. i've used it before to make a few alice in wonderland pillows.

and i had just enough left for two potholders, but i've only made this one so far.i think this fabric paired with the teapot pattern looks kinda vintage. and i like that. :) i got the teapot pattern on flickr. its an illustration by jacque davis. she has some really cute patterns, and i thought this one would be perfect for a potholder.

the pot holder is completely hand sewn. and that took many housr of i even broke my needle sewing my bias tape on there. broke right in half. that's never happened to me before. but it was a really little thin one and i was sewing through a lot of layers.

and i finished my button box lid. well, it's been doen for a few weeks now, but i hadn't gotten around to posting it till now.

since i used up most of my button stash, now i have more room in the box for storing my crafts. :)


Rachel said...

nice button stash! and i LOVE the potholder!

micheleleigh said...

thanks! i usually buy those grandma's grab bags at Michael's. they always have cool buttons in there. :)

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